September 30, 2022 | updates
Term 3: Update 3
Adelaide Botanic High School students engage in learning tasks which are about connecting, creating, communicating, co-ordinating and collaborating.
September 30, 2022
Table of contents
- Update From The Principal
- Upcoming Dates - Term 4
- Safety at pedestrian crossings
- TikTok Français! SAFTA TikTok Competition Years 8-10
- Ancient Egypt
- Charlotte's design chosen for Mini Float at Christmas Pageant
- Be SunSmart - slap on a hat
- Year 8 Illuminate Enterprise Challenge
- Chinese Language and Culture
- 2022 SA Junior Chess League
- Shaving the way to a hopeful cure
- Sports Results
- Notices
- Just Bliss Chocolates
Update from the Principal
Traditions are a very significant part of Adelaide Botanic High School and represent a critical aspect of our culture despite our school’s young age.
Traditions are what you can rely on or hold on to when so many things around us are changing. Tradition contributes a sense of belonging, reminding us that we are part of a history that defines and shapes who we are today and who we are likely to become. Our end of term assemblies are just one of our important traditions with an unashamed focus on celebration and fun. This term’s final assembly was no exception as we celebrated student achievement and positive recognitions, said “thank you” for contributions made, showcased amazing role models and saw the positive impact of student voice and leadership on school life. This tradition continues to be such a positive and enjoyable way to send students and staff off on their holidays and sets the scene for the new term.
We also had the opportunity to wish our Year 12 students well as they complete their final tasks and prepare for exams early next term.
We understand that this time of year can be stressful for those students but cannot highlight enough the importance of making good use of time, revision and reaching out for support. Our Year 12 teachers are there for them along with the Wellbeing and the Student Achievement and Success teams.
I would also like to acknowledge the many Year 12 teachers who are giving up time during their holiday break to run workshops for our students.
Staff update
At Adelaide Botanic High School we have been blessed to be able to attract and select some of the best teachers and leaders from around Australia. During this part of the year schools are advertising and selecting staff for 2023, something we are currently undertaking.
Kirsty Gebert has been an Assistant Principal and part of our foundation leadership team since we planned for, and opened, the school. Her leadership has been significant, with much of what puts Adelaide Botanic High School at the forefront of educational excellence, attributable to her work. Kirsty has recently won a Deputy Principal role at Banksia Park High School and will begin that role next term. On behalf of the whole school I would like to publicly thank her for everything and wish her well as she takes on the challenges of this position.
“It has been a privilege to be a member of the founding leadership team for Adelaide Botanic High School. The last four years have provided me with a myriad of opportunities to think about education differently, and I am honoured to be trusted with leading alongside the team of exemplary leaders and teachers we have at ABHS. I look forward to watching the continued growth and innovation that ABHS will showcase in the future, and hope to take the best of what I have learned at ABHS into my new role as Deputy Principal at Banksia Park International High School. Students, all the best with your Year 11 and 12 exams and end of year assessment, my greatest wish for you is that you understand…” – Kirsty Gebert, Assistant Principal, Innovation in Teaching and Learning, Education Systems & Inclusive Education
Theo Papazoglov will step out of his STEM Leadership role and into the Assistant Principal role for the duration of Term 4 this year. While Theo has big shoes to fill, we are confident that he will be an excellent fit for the role and we congratulate him on his appointment.
Holiday break
As I reflect on the term that has been, I am reminded of just how much has been achieved and experienced at school, along with the many local and global changes that have occurred within those ten weeks. The pace and relentless nature of what our young people are experiencing is like nothing that has gone before them. Their newsfeeds, social media and peer expectations are non-stop with very little down time or opportunity to reset.
I encourage you to look at how the holiday break can be just that, a break! A time to slow things down, step away from the constant curated world online and enjoy some family and friends time. A recent speaker at a workshop I attended talked about the impact of FOMO (fear of missing out) with our young people and how we need to find ways to encourage JOMO, which she described as the joy of missing out.
Have a safe and enjoyable break with (I hope) a bit of JOMO time.
Alistair on behalf of our whole team
Upcoming Dates - Term 4
Friday 30 September WEEK 10 (Term 3) Last day of Term 3 | Wednesday 30 November WEEK 7 (Term 4) Year 11s finish |
Monday 17 October WEEK 1 (Term 4) First day Term 4 | Thursday 1 December WEEK 7 (Term 4) Year 10 last day of lessons |
Wednesday 2 November WEEK 3 (Term 4) Year 12 Good Luck Breakfast | Friday 2 December WEEK 7 (Term 4) Student Free Day |
7-17 November WEEKS 4-5 (Term 4) Stage 2 Exams | 5-7 December WEEK 8 (Term 4) Year 10 into Year 11 2023 Transition |
16-23 November WEEKS 5-6 (Term 4) Stage 1 Exams | Wednesday 7 December WEEK 8 (Term 4) Year 10s finish |
Thursday 24 November WEEK 6 (Term 4) Year 12 Graduation Celebration | Wednesday 7 December WEEK 8 (Term 4) Student Achievement Awards |
Friday 25 November WEEK 6 (Term 4) Year 11 last day of lessons | 8-9 December WEEK 8 (Term 4) Year 6 into Year 7 2023 Transition |
28-30 November WEEK 7 (Term 4) Year 11 into Year 12 2023 Transition | Friday 16 December WEEK 9 (Term 4) Years 7-9 last day of school (3pm dismissal) |
Safety at pedestrian crossings
This is an important reminder that at the pedestrian crossings on Frome Road and at Gate 9 between Lot Fourteen and ABHS (the road between Lot Fourteen and Frome Park, to the south of ABHS), students are to only cross when the crossing lights are green due to increased traffic at this intersection. Recent incidents have highlighted a lack of attention and careless pedestrian behaviour by students.
Students must also use only Frome Road to access the school from North Terrace and avoid the thoroughfares in Lot Fourteen. There is an increase of heavy vehicles within Lot Fourteen, and the safety of all pedestrians and students around the precinct is paramount.
TikTok Français! SAFTA TikTok Competition Years 8-10
Three creative groups of curious French students took their French to the next level and entered into the 2022 SAFTA TikTok Competition Years 8-10.
The students had to create a 30-60 second TikTok video which explored the theme of what is means to be French: “Je suis français/e, alors…” (I am French, so…).
Students designed a short skit whereby they had to speak in French and include music and/or choreography. The students worked collaboratively and were delighted to apply their French language skills in an everyday context whilst also having fun. Bravo!
TikTok titles | Student names |
Les Quatre Amis Français | Athena, Sophia, Gisele, Ruby |
Quand votre bâton de signalisation se fait voler en France | Scarlet, Maddie, Arabella |
When your non-French friend tries to speak French | Risha, Vanya, Chloe, Maria |
Amy Gray, Matilde Wiese and Tania Zebian
Year 9 French Team
Athena on behalf of her group (Ruby, Gisele and Sophia):
“We would have to say the most challenging part of this task was learning our script as there was difficult vocabulary and we had to learn it off by heart. The highlight of our video was our dance party as there were crazy lights and it made the teachers laugh. All of us agreed that a phrase we learnt throughout this experience was “allons-y” which translates to “let’s go”. Overall, this was such a fun experience and hopefully our hard work pays off and we can win the competition. Au revoir!”
Ancient Egypt
This term, Year 7 Global Perspective students began exploring Ancient Egypt and Biographical Recounts respectively, focusing particularly on the importance of life stories of significant individuals from our history.
The students covered many of the aspects related to the lifestyle and society in Ancient Egypt, unpacking the different perspectives of a social order and how this may affect their views on understanding historical importance.
From this social order students were able to relate the significance of historical fame and greatness and how these perspectives influenced historical views. This would begin providing contestability on their views of whom they wished to write their biographical recount.
Students were given the opportunity to choose from ten significant Ancient Egyptian figures and began working through the process of how to construct a biographical recount to write their own (summative assessment). This included the structure and language features, making connections relevant to Ancient Egypt, along with completing initial research into the significance in history their chosen individual had, and understanding the importance of historical accuracy and perspectives.
From this, students began drafting their own biographical recount, going through the process of peer and self-assessment, and editing to create their final pieces. Students were able to create flowing pieces of constructed text which showed their understanding of text types as well as Ancient Egypt.
Please click here to read the biographical recount completed by Year 7 student, Shaya I.
Ramanjeet Arkan (Pre-service Teacher)
On behalf of the Year 7 Global Perspectives Team

Charlotte's design chosen for Mini Float at Christmas Pageant
Published on the ABC Adelaide Facebook page on 28 September 2022.
Congratulations to Charlotte Exelby.
The 15-year-old Adelaide Botanic High School student has designed the new Mini Float at this year’s Christmas Pageant.
“It’s probably every little kid’s dream to see their own design float in the pageant. So, it’s very exciting to see mine come to life and be in the pageant this year.”
“My creation is a ‘Box of Chalk’ that’s because every year it’s a tradition with my cousins we always sit on the Blue Honour Line and do chalk drawings as we wait for the pageant. I wanted to turn that great memory into a float.”
Charlotte’s winning design was selected from 370 entries by a panel of judges. For weeks, Pageant staff have been transforming her drawing into a full-scale mini float.

Be SunSmart - slap on a hat
With Term 4 and warmer weather just around the corner, encourage your child to be SunSmart by wearing their ABHS cap.
If your child needs a school cap, it can be purchased online from Campus School & College Wear. Visit the website link below to access the online store.
Uniform ShopYear 8 Illuminate Enterprise Challenge
During the second last week of school, the class of 8C set on a seven-day entrepreneurial challenge hosted at the University of Adelaide. The idea was that students were to create a concept of a business that would bring stable income and run itself in the context of their hypothetical market. It was a chance for them to apply their knowledge in a real-world situation, as well as develop skills such as time management, planning and networking with people outside of the classroom environment.
This event allowed them to talk with business experts who could help them with their business model. They also had an opportunity to network with other like-minded high school students from around South Australia. The entire experience was very rewarding, and they learnt a lot about what it takes to start your own business. The cohort of 8C was very persistent throughout the course of the week, tackling university-level assignments with outstanding quality.
The culmination of this challenge came down to one day, where each team presented their business case and video to a panel of judges. With their exceptional perseverance, 8C was able to achieve six out of ten total awards, including runner-up. Wow! Well done to all the teams, they should be proud of themselves.
Nicholas M (Year 8)
Some of the students have kindly shared their experiences below:
“The Illuminate Enterprise Challenge gave a good insight into creating ethical businesses and showed students the hardships throughout doing so. Although the program was quite difficult and pressuring, it incorporated activities of the main things for starting a business and throughout the business such as the financials, business case, and pressure cooker. Personally, I learnt the importance of marketing like focusing on target customers, specific places the business would thrive and different ways in advertising the business for different customers.” – Jasmine P
“The Illuminate Enterprise Challenge allows secondary students to experience first-hand what it takes to lead change and solve relevant problems in their community in an innovative manner. A big shoutout to Adam Mostogl CEO & Chief Entrepreneur of The Van Diemen Project in Launceston, Tasmania, for hosting and providing a wonderful opportunity for our ABHS students to take part in this enterprise challenge.” – Shana R
ABHS won six out of ten possible awards, which was a phenomenal effort as the teams from other competing schools were from Year 11 Business and Innovation classes.
Awards won by ABHS:
Best Business Case and Financials – Team Smart-ELY – Adelaide Botanic High School
Best Business Launch Presentation – Team Meal for Meal – Adelaide Botanic High School
Best Pressure Cooker Submission – Team Brain Break – Adelaide Botanic High School
Student Choice: Best Idea – Team Aquabubbles – Adelaide Botanic High School
Student Choice: Best Team – Team Meal for Meal – Adelaide Botanic High School
Overall Best Solutions (based on aggregate scores) Runner Up: Team Smart-ELY– Adelaide Botanic High School Score: 85.1
Chinese Language and Culture
This term the students studying Chinese have been busy extending their learning of the Chinese language and culture.
The Year 7 Global Perspectives Chinese students coupled their studies on Ancient China with their language. They had the chance to learn how to make dumplings, which was a fun and delicious activity enjoyed by all. To finish their studies on the ancient world, students made Terracotta Warriors this week after undertaking some research on what they looked like.
In Year 9 Chinese, the students took a trip to Chinatown to undertake a scavenger hunt. This was to help them use their newly learnt skills of asking and understanding directions. The students read the instructions (all in Chinese!) and then answered questions based on where they went. To finish off, the students were able to enjoy a delicious meal in Chinatown as well as a 车轮饼 Chinese wheel cake.
Across all year levels, students indulged in the Mid-Autumn Festival delicacy of Moon Cake after the Mid-Autumn Festival weekend on 10 September. Traditional white lotus, red bean and taro cakes were shared amongst the classes.
In the Chinese Next Level studio, both the Year 9 and Year 7/8 groups took their ordering skills and enjoyed a meal at Dumplings R Us and then Gong Cha (bubble tea). For some students, this was the first time they had tasted bubble tea. For others, as seasoned bubble tea drinkers, they could advise on the best concoctions of this Taiwanese favourite.
The Chinese department looks forward to another busy Term 4 with many more fun learning activities to come!
Sally Ziniak
Global Perspectives/Chinese Teacher
Photo 1: Year 9 Chinese at Chinatown Gates
Photo 2: Year 7/8 Chinese Next Level Studio at Dumplings R Us
Photo 3: Year 7 Class making dumplings
2022 SA Junior Chess League
Over the course of Terms 2 and 3, five students represented ABHS by participating in the school’s second year of the South Australian Junior Chess League (SAJCL), a competitive inter-school chess tournament played against other schools across South Australia.
They were selected to compete in Division 1, the top league, and played Classical Games (one hour per player +10 increments per move) on a fortnightly basis on Friday nights at the Chess Centre.
Despite drawing in fifth place out of 12 schools, the boys were grateful for the opportunity to take their chess skills to the next level and build connections with like-minded students in the wider chess community.
Tania Zebian
Global Perspectives Teacher
New Div 1 chess player, Sam W (pictured above on far right), reflects on his experience participating in the competition for the first time:
“Playing chess in the 2022 SAJCL Inter-school Chess Competition has been a great experience for me and one I was happy to be a part of. I met up with people I hadn’t seen in years and improved my chess skills. I enjoyed being able to build bonds with other people in my team around something we all shared in common. I even met some people from other schools who loved chess like me that I got along with. The whole tournament had a really supportive environment which was fun to play in. For anybody thinking of joining the tournament team next year, my tip is to try to not blunder your queen halfway into a game like I did as it’s not a great look!”
Shaving the way to a hopeful cure
During Week 8 this term, a brave group of students and teachers participated in the Leukaemia Foundation’s World’s Greatest Shave in a mission to shave the world from blood cancer.
Thanks to the generosity of the ABHS community, the team was able to raise $9,265.50!
Funds raised give families facing blood cancer the support they need, as well as funding vital research to help more people survive blood cancers, while improving their quality of life.
Thank you for your support! And well done, Team ABHS!
Sports Results
The South Australia Volleyball Junior League ran on Friday nights in Terms 2 and 3 and for the first time Adelaide Botanic High School entered five teams.
Teams trained each week and then played at a range of venues around Adelaide on Friday nights. For the U13 Boys and Girls team it was a great opportunity to start to learn about the skills and tactical game of volleyball, with the Boys team finishing the season on top of their ladder which is a fantastic effort. The U15 Boys and Girls team had a more challenging season but pulled out some wonderful performances and got a few wins on the board!
The U17 Boys team had an exceptional season, winning the best of a five-set grand final three sets to one. The grand final was a great display of teamwork, perseverance, positivity and encouragement, and congratulations to Quang who was awarded best on court for the grand final.
Each student demonstrated a huge improvement in their skills over the course of the season and the teamwork that each team displayed proudly represented the DNA of Adelaide Botanic High School. All of these teams could not have stepped onto the court without the amazing support, commitment, time and effort of their coaches and parents.
Adelaide Botanic High School would like to sincerely thank the following team coaches for all of their effort over the past two terms: Christina, Ruwan, Seth, Isabelle, Felicity, Mark and Jon. You all truly went above and beyond, thank you!

Just Bliss Chocolates
Just Bliss Chocolates is looking for a junior food and beverage attendant for casual hours at their chocolate café in Gawler Place, Rundle Mall.
They are on the hunt for someone who is friendly, keen and confident in serving customers and attending to their orders. Casual hours will be available during the week after school and on weekends.
Just Bliss Chocolates
Shop 5/38 Gawler Place
Adelaide SA 5000
P: (08) 7225 4872