Student Achievement Teams

Engagement and Wellbeing Team

In addition to providing support to students at school, the team can also provide advice about accessing social services and specialists outside of the school. Adelaide Botanic High School has a psychologist working on-site, providing private appointments for students.

For any queries or to make an appointment with a member of a Student Achievement Team please email

Student Engagement & Wellbeing Leader

Justin Mitchell

Student Engagement & Wellbeing Leader

Kaylene Klimatsakis

Student Engagement & Wellbeing Leader

Nina Tanner

Youth Worker

Jeeves Dunn

Inclusive Education Team

As a school that values and promotes inclusive education, there is a strong commitment to the practice of individualised learning for all students and, in particular, students with additional needs. Students with identified learning needs are supported with a team of expert classroom support staff who work alongside the students and teachers in the classroom to ensure that learning is inclusive and accessible for all learners.

Teachers are skilled in adjusting and differentiating their teaching and assessment tasks based on the personalised learning goals of students.

The school’s Aboriginal Education Team works with teachers and students to ensure that everyone is working towards the vision of supporting growth for every child, because every Aboriginal child at Adelaide Botanic High School deserves to be a proud and confident learner striving to achieve their highest potential.

Learning activities in Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week are designed as a whole school with the understanding that Adelaide Botanic High School stands tall and proud on Kaurna land where education and learning have been undertaken for thousands of years prior to now.

The school’s work is aligned to the Department for Education’s Aboriginal Education Strategy 2019 to 2029.


Inclusive Education Leader

Clare Achurch

Assistant Principal

Justin Kentish

Team Leader - Curriculum SSO

Donna Hatziyiorgis

Aboriginal Education Teacher

Amy Gray

Aboriginal Education Teacher

Nick Kimber

Aboriginal Education Teacher (on leave)

Barbara Gillis


Blake Ramsey

Student Achievement and Success Team

Assistant Principal

Justin Kentish

Innovation and Equity in Conditions for Learner Success and Agency

Transition, Learning and Wellbeing Leader

Eden McEwen

Middle Years

Student Achievement & Success Leader

Amelia Redman

Middle Years

Student Achievement & Success Leader

Danielle Weatherley

Middle Years

Student Achievement & Success Leader

Jenny Hanks

Middle Years

Student Achievement & Success Leader

Ash Whan

Senior Years

Student Achievement & Success Leader

Hannah Darling

Senior Years

Student Achievement & Success Leader

Rhiannon Meuris-Palfrey (on leave)

Middle Years

ABHS Student Services Team

Student Services

Students are encouraged to visit Student Services to discuss their needs or concerns. The school’s Student Services team are located on Level 1 and are the first point of call to manage matters including:

  • First aid/sick room
  • Student Attendance – sign in/out procedures
  • Parent pick up
  • Appointments with members of the Engagement and Wellbeing, Inclusive Education and Student Achievement and Success Teams
  • Student finances, including metroCARD recharge and purchase of socks and items for laptops
  • Uniform items to try on prior to online ordering