May 28, 2024  |  updates

Term 2: Update 1

Adelaide Botanic High School students engage in learning tasks which are about connecting, creating, communicating, co-ordinating and collaborating.

May 28, 2024


Update from the Principal

Exciting Times

The extension to Adelaide Botanic High School has been an ambitious project, both in terms of what it will provide for our students and the timeline for its construction. We are incredibly excited to announce that the building will be fully handed over to the school over the next few weeks. Initially, we have access to floors 2, 3, and 4 while the rest of the building is being completed.

Over the next few weeks, our staff will be setting up spaces and ensuring that all equipment and resources are in place, as there is still a lot of work to do before we can start running classes. Already, students are being taken on tours through the new spaces, with excited ‘wows’ frequently heard. Some senior classes will begin using the spaces soon, followed by a gradual introduction of other classes so that by Term 3, it will be a fully timetabled part of our school.

I thought it would be beneficial to share some photos and explain what will be available. The ground floor features a new café space with a self-serve approach, a Student Services Reception for senior students, an ICT support centre, and open study spaces.

As we move through the building, there are amazing STEM labs, a large fitness studio, a bike workshop, music and performing arts spaces, quiet study areas, a stunning food technology kitchen, technology workshops, a digital media studio, a rooftop sports centre, and some of the best learning spaces you will find in Australia.

My intention is to provide an evening early next term when families can come in and explore the spaces. I think you will be amazed at what has been built, and I am sure it won’t be long before you wish you could enrol back in school, as it is absolutely stunning.

Alistair on behalf of our whole team

Upcoming Dates - Term 2

Monday 27 May - Monday 3 June WEEK 5
National Reconciliation Week
Tuesday-Friday 18-21 June WEEK 8
Wednesday 29 May WEEK 5
Yr7 Canberra Trip Information Evening
Monday-Friday 1-5 July WEEK 10
Yr11 Exams
Wednesday-Friday 5-7 June WEEK 6
Yr11 Outdoor Education Kayaking Camp
Monday 1 July WEEK 10
Governing Council
Monday 10 June WEEK 7
Kings Birthday Public Holiday
Thursday 4 July WEEK 10
Yr10 Immunisations
Wednesday-Friday 12-14 June WEEK 7
Yr10 Outdoor Education Camp
Friday 5 July WEEK 10
Last Day Term 2

Changes to Annual Excellence Awards for Year 11

Adelaide Botanic High School is writing to inform you of an important update regarding our annual awards ceremony. As an institution committed to recognising and nurturing student achievements, we continually review our awards program to ensure it reflects the diverse talents and hard work of our students.

After careful consideration, we have decided to make a change to the way we allocate our Excellence Awards in Year 11. Until now, these awards have been based on overall Grade Point Average (GPA) and the number of A grades achieved by students. While these metrics are important, we believe that recognising excellence should also be subject-specific to highlight the unique strengths and efforts of our students in each area of study.

What’s Changing?

Starting this year, we will be transitioning to a system similar to that used in Year 12. Instead of general excellence awards, we will introduce Subject Awards. These awards will be given to students who are the highest achievers in individual subjects.

How Will Students Be Nominated?

Teachers will nominate students for these awards based on their academic performance, for the subject. This approach allows us to celebrate not only academic excellence but also the commitment and enthusiasm that students bring to their subjects.

Why This Change?

This change is designed to:

  • Recognise and celebrate individual subject deep skill and mastery;
  • Encourage students to strive for excellence in their areas of passion;
  • Provide a more comprehensive recognition system that values different aspects of student achievement.

What You Need to Know:

  • The new Subject Awards will replace the previous GPA-based excellence awards;
  • Each teacher will identify if there will be an award for their subjects as well as nominate a student who has achieved at the highest level;
  • The awards will be presented at our end-of-year Award’s Ceremony, and all students receiving an award and parents will be invited to attend and celebrate their achievements.

We believe that this new approach to the ABHS awards system will be more inclusive and reflective of the hard work and dedication of all our students. It also has a greater alignment to how awards are nominated and awarded in Year 12. We encourage our students to continue to engage with their studies with enthusiasm and persistence.

We understand that change can bring questions. Please feel free to reach out to us with any queries or concerns you may have regarding this update. We are here to support you through this transition.

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to our school community. We look forward to celebrating our students’ achievements with you.

Theo Papazoglov
Assistant Principal- Innovation in Data, Systems and Communication

Au Cinéma!

As part of Year 9 French, students visited Palace Nova Eastend Cinemas to participate in the 2024 Alliance Française French Film Festival. Students attended a private screening of Les Têtes Givrées (The Snow Must Go On), which highlighted the importance of resilience, teamwork, and embracing challenges in the face of adversity. Prior to the film, Alliance Française provided a booklet with French activities that correspond with the film which assisted students with French listening and reading comprehension skills.

Here are some testimonials of what one of our French students thought of the film:

“We enjoyed watching a film that was at the French Film Festival as it was very intriguing with the plot being a class of students who have their own problems, from social to psychological, or family problems that improves throughout the film as they become more enthusiastic about saving the glacier from melting. Having the opportunity to be able to watch a full movie in French was really valuable. Although it was a little bit hard to understand them speaking at times, having English subtitles helped with understanding the film’s context. We have learnt many new French words including, la neige (the snow), le sac à dos (the backpack) and jeune homme (young man) etc. We would recommend it to those who know a bit of French as you would understand more of the story!” – Jonathan et Nithin

“Travelling to the Palace Nova Cinemas to view Les Têtes Givrées (The Snow Must Go On!) was an educational and enjoyable experience. While viewing the film, we had the opportunity to practice our listening comprehension and be exposed to spoken French in a variety of voices. The highly developed characters gave the plot more depth and interest, immersing us in the film. We also enjoyed the witty jokes that were included in the film. The film directed a clear, impact message to encourage us to conserve our planet as global warming takes effect. It also allowed us to realise that no matter who we are, we can all make a difference if we commit. Some French phrases we identified included les montagnes (mountains), le sac à dos (backpack), la glace (ice), couvrer avec les bâches (to cover with tarps) and un aventure (an adventure).” – Abigail et Tessa

Matilde Wiese and Tania Zebian
Global Perspectives Teachers

ABHS South Tower

The new South Tower building is looking stunning and we now have access to Levels 2, 3, and 4. Over the next few weeks all students and staff will be invited to visit the spaces, to learn how they can be used and how to look after them. Later this term we will open up these levels for some classes, and in Term 3 we will have access to the whole the building. How exciting! Here are some photos of our Synergy Leaders visiting and giving a thumbs up to the great design and features of these new learning spaces.

Donna Mason
Assistant Principal –  Innovation in Teaching & Learning, People Development & Culture


Open Boys & Girls Touch Football

A group of ABHS Senior School students participated in an Open Boys & Girls Touch Football Knockout carnival, competing against other schools in our area. The carnival was highly competitive, with most teams comprising Year 12 students who were participating in Touch Football as part of their Year 12 Physical Education studies. The two ABHS teams were new to the sport, but they quickly picked up the rules, skills, and tactics, becoming highly competitive throughout the day. The Open Girls team managed to win three of their games despite playing the whole carnival with one less player on the field. The carnival organisers and referees commented on the great effort and behaviour of the ABHS students during the event.

Callan Hammond
Lifestyle Choices Teacher

Learning Conversations


Week 2 saw the ABHS Community come together for the Learning Conversations. Across two evenings and three mornings, students led conversations around their learning with their parents and Connect teachers. Students shared evidence of learning they were proud of from Term 1 as well as the Behaviours for Learning that support their success in the Middle Years. Students in the Senior Years gave their parents and Connect teachers updates around the progress they are making with their Research Project and the EIF. It was a wonderful week to see how far the students have come in their learning and how well they were able to articulate what their future goals are. Thank you to all the staff and parents that supported a wonderful couple of evenings.

Feedback regarding the sessions has been requested, you can provide feedback HERE

Justin Kentish
Assistant Principal- Innovation and Equity in Conditions for Learner Success and Agency

Social and Emotional Learning Groups

As part of ABHS’s Wellbeing program, select groups of students have been engaging in a Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) project. These weekly 30 minute sessions are facilitated by a member of the Wellbeing team and comprise of no more than six students per group. The sessions consist of tailored activities and discussion points that aim to develop students’ social and emotional skills. A key focus for some groups has been on identifying, unpacking and reflecting on personal character strengths such as forgiveness, self-regulation and hope. These intimate SEL groups provide students with a safe space for rich discussion and aims to empower students with the social and emotional skills required to navigate their young adolescent lives.

Kaylene Klimatsakis
Student Engagement & Wellbeing

DNA Achievements Beyond the school

This section celebrates our student achievements beyond the school. If you know of someone achieving beyond ABHS, please tell us about it! You can submit your story below. This form is also accessible on the Frog Parent and Student portals.

Submit your story

Playford Trust/Andy Thomas Space Foundation Scholarship

DNA Achievements Beyond the school

Former ABHS Student Chloe H has been awarded the prestigious Playford Trust/Andy Thomas Space Foundation Scholarship for her studies in a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical). The scholarship is designed to assist high-achieving students who are studying in areas that are of strategic importance to the state which includes the space sector. Considerations within her application included Chloe’s winning of the University of Adelaide Space Society’s Hackathon as the best in space mining in 2023 and her aims to become an astronaut.

Chloe became interested in space science while studying at ABHS where she studied Rocket Science and Space at Yr10 and followed this with Physics and high level Maths subjects at Yr11-12. She also took every opportunity she could to get involved in excursions that were space related by attending the Australian Space Forum and South Australian Space school under the recommendations of her teachers in 2021. We are very proud of her achievements and excited to see where Chloe’s passion for space will take her in the future.

Lauren Scarfe
STEM Teacher

Tyler and the team win Bronze in Canberra

DNA Achievements Beyond the school

Congratulations to Tyler D for his outstanding achievement in baseball at the South Australian School Sport competition in Canberra. Tyler participated in the 18 years and under division and triumphantly returned with a bronze medal. Well done, Tyler!

Free home internet access

Students and families who have inadequate or no access to internet at home are eligible to apply for a free internet connection to support learning.

There are 2 options available to eligible families:

  • wireless internet access from the Department for Education through the student home internet program
  • NBN broadband internet access until December 2025 from the Australian Government through the School Student Broadband Initiative.

You might be eligible if you:

  • have a school aged child
  • don’t have reliable home internet access or have no active NBN broadband connection.

Find out more about what options are available and how parents and carers can apply by visiting the department’s website.

More information

New smoke-free and vape-free outdoor area laws

From 1 March 2024, new laws will ban smoking and vaping in a variety of public outdoor areas in South Australia. Regulations under the South Australian Tobacco and E-Cigarette Products Act 1997  are being introduced to address risks associated with passive tobacco smoking and passive inhalation of e-cigarette aerosol. This will occur through the creation of smoke-free and vape-free areas in the following areas:

  • at early childhood services premises, and education and children’s services facilities (including schools), and within ten (10) metres of their boundaries
  • at and within ten (10) metres of non-residential building entrances, such as entrances to shopping centres, government and commercial buildings
  • at public hospitals and health facilities, private hospitals and residential aged care facilities, and within ten (10) metres of their boundaries
    (note: the regulation for residential aged care facilities will come into operation 12 months after the day on which the other regulations are made)
  • within outdoor public swimming facilities
  • at major events venues declared under the Major Events Act 2013
  • at and within ten (10) metres of a sporting venue during an organised underage sporting event, training or practice session
    on beaches between and within fifty (50) metres of red and yellow patrol flags, and under (and within five (5) metres of) jetties.

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