February 17, 2023 | updates
Term 1: Update 1
Adelaide Botanic High School students engage in learning tasks which are about connecting, creating, communicating, co-ordinating and collaborating.
February 17, 2023
Table of contents
Update from the Principal
The 2023 school year is well underway and with a start that is already impressively positive. I would like to welcome families who are new to our school community and welcome back our existing families. The past few years have commenced with significant challenges, but I am pleased to say that the 2023 school year has been a refreshing break from this pattern.
We recognise that the start of a new school year can be both an exciting and daunting time but the staggered start and extensive preparation by staff provided a very calm and focused first few weeks for our students. The lack of COVID restrictions so far has allowed many of the activities that were on hold during the past years to return, and I am looking forward to working with you and your children to make it a fantastic year.
I would like to remind parents that you are an integral part of our school community and we value your involvement and support. Early this term, the Meet the Connect Evenings is one of these opportunities to be involved as you meet with your child’s Connect teacher to share in information that will help you support your child.
The Connect teacher is your first point of contact and please do not hesitate to reach out to them if you have any questions or concerns.
Our school has an already enviable record of academic excellence despite our brief existence, and it is our aim to keep building upon that success as we continue to provide our students with the learning and support they need to thrive and grow. The 2022 Year 12 SACE results have been a real affirmation of this approach and it has been a joy to share in our student’s success and high-level achievement.
Within this Update you will find an infographic that shares not only the exceptional results but also how this translated into success in terms of tertiary entry. At a later stage when we can, I will also share information regarding the courses that students have been successfully offered places in.
This success is a team effort and I wish to acknowledge the hard work and commitment of our staff and students along with the huge support of families throughout 2022.
In response to the Government’s compulsory restrictions of mobile phones in schools, mobile phone use has been a hot topic in both the media and with parents. The current ABHS mobile phone policy will be in place and adhered to as we work with our students, families, and staff to develop a workable approach and agreed timeline to meeting the required restrictions. Please note that at this stage mobile phones can still be used for purchases at our café and in school payments.
Alistair on behalf of our whole team
Upcoming Dates - Term 1
Monday 20 February WEEK 4 Year 7 DNA Action Day (Cohort A) | Saturday 4 February WEEK 5 ACER Test for STEM Special Entry 2024 |
Tuesday 21 February WEEK 4 Year 7 DNA Action Day (Cohort B) | Tuesday 7 March WEEK 6 Meet the Connect Yr 9 |
Wednesday 22 February WEEK 4 Year 7 DNA Action Day (Cohort C) | Friday 10 March WEEK 6 Student Free Day |
Thursday 23 February WEEK 4 Year 7 DNA Action Day (Cohort D) | Monday 13 March WEEK 7 Adelaide Cup Public Holiday |
Friday 24 February WEEK 4 Middle Years Swimming Carnival | Thursday 16 March WEEK 7 ABHS Annual General Meeting |
Mon 27 Feb-Wed 1 Mar WEEK 5 Year 9 Fleurieu Camp (Cohorts A/B) | Tuesday 21 March WEEK 8 Sports Day |
Tues 28 Feb-Thurs 2 Mar WEEK 5 Year 12 Outdoor Ed Camp | Wednesday 29 March WEEK 9 ABHS Open Night |
Tuesday 28 February WEEK 5 Meet the Connect Teachers Yrs 7-8 | Thursday 30 March WEEK 9 Year 8 Immunisations |
Wed 1-Fri 3 Mar WEEK 5 Year 9 Fleurieu Camp (Cohorts C/D) | Fri 7-Mon 10 April WEEKS 10/11 Easter Long Weekend |
Thursday 2 March WEEK 5 Meet the Connect Teachers Yrs 10/11/12 | Thurs 13-Fri 14 April WEEK 11 Senior Melbourne Art Experience |
Friday 3 March WEEK 5 Year 12 Senior Formal | Friday 14 April WEEK 11 Last day of term (normal dismissal time) |
Graduating Class of 2022
Last year the school said “farewell” to its first cohort of Year 12 graduates. This significant milestone, for the students and school alike, was marked with a Graduation Evening held at the school in December last year. Photos from the Year 12s Graduation Evening have been included below.
In recognition of the achievements of the Class of 2022, whose SACE results were not yet public at the time of the last Update, the school would like to acknowledge and congratulate last year’s Year 12s on their SACE results:
- 71 out of 73 (97.2%) achieved their SACE
- 39% achieved an ATAR of 80 or above
- 22% achieved an ATAR of 90 or above
- 32% with A band grades
- 72% with A and B grades
- Four Year 12 students received subject merits (Gautam, Kim, Sasha and Jadyn)
- Special mentions to Kriti, Gautam, Kim and Sasha for outstanding ATAR results
The SATAC data, following the most recent round of offers (as of 16/2) and with ongoing rounds of offers continuing throughout the next few weeks, is as follows:
- 86% of the 2022 Year12 cohort applied to university through SATAC (data for other pathways unavailable at this stage)
- 94% of students who applied to university have received an offer
- 83% have received their first or second preference
- 68% first preference
Supporting the Year 7 cohort: Elevate Mentors 2023
For the Year 7 students, stepping into Secondary School means stepping into the unknown, often letting go of certainties and moving into uncharted territory.
For this very reason, ABHS has Elevate Peer Mentors – a team of passionate Year 11 and 12 students prepared to go out of their way to support the new Year 7s.
The name ‘Elevate’ was chosen to signify the role of our mentors; to elevate their peers to become the best they can be, to elevate and support individuals to manage new information and organise themselves, and to truly share their individual experiences to help guide Year 7s to be a thriving part of the ABHS community.
The start of 2023 sees the introduction of a new team of Elevate Mentors, who have already been seen taking on a strong supporting role within Year 7 Connect Groups.
It is very inspiring to see the bonds that the senior students have already formed with the Year 7 cohort, and the team looks forward to seeing these continue to build as the year goes on.
Eden McEwen
Middle Years Transition Leader
Whole School Activities
The whole school gathered in the gym last week in preparation for a whole school photo – something which hasn’t been attempted since 2020. As everyone made their way out to the lawns near the flag pole, the photographer took position on Level 2’s Botanic Terrace to take the shot. Staff are looking forward to seeing the entire school of 1250 students in the one photo.
Another event that was successfully completed recently was an evacuation drill, which went smoothly and calmly. This saw 1250 students and 130 staff exiting the building within fifteen minutes and gathering on the Botanic Park lawns. Thank you to the ABHS SSO team for their excellent organisation and teamwork.
Year 12 Visual Art
It's a pleasure to announce that artwork by 2022 Year 12 student, Kasia C, has been selected for inclusion in the prestigious SACE Visual Art Show 2023.
Each year, exemplary work by SACE Arts students is showcased and celebrated at the Visual Art Show. This is a great accolade for Kasia and a wonderful outcome for Adelaide Botanic High School to have one of its first graduating Year 12s selected.
Kasia’s installation, titled Migrant Colony, seeks to highlight the plight of the local Grey-headed Flying Fox colony as they struggle to survive in SA. She took inspiration from a series of artists, each informing a particular element of Kasia’s work. You can read her practitioner’s statement here to learn more.
Kasia’s installation will be on display at the Light Square Gallery alongside work by other SA students in March-April. Congratulations Kasia!
Jim De Gregorio
The Arts Teacher
Supporting Student Wellbeing at ABHS through SchoolTV
Adelaide Botanic High School would like to introduce SchoolTV in 2023. SchoolTV is an ongoing resource that is available to all members of the ABHS community, offering a fresh approach to the growing issues and pressures faced by Australian youth.
SchoolTV is a unique online resource delivering powerful and credible information to empower parents with the skills to address these issues and raise happy, well and resilient kids.
The purpose of SchoolTV is to provide a single resource for parents, about a specific topic, to streamline reputable information from leading specialists. SchoolTV is available via mobile, tablet and desktop and is designed especially for Australian schools. SchoolTV also has a range of information and applications that can be used as a practical resource in supporting youth mental health.
Each Update from ABHS will focus on a different topic with special reports throughout the year. Content is based around major topics of influence and are delivered via a series of videos presented by leading health specialist, Dr Michael Carr-Gregg.
Some topics will include:
- Youth anxiety
- Depression
- Digital reputation
- Screen addiction
- Drug and Alcohol use
- Cyberbullying
- Social networking
- Self-harm and suicide
You can access the SchoolTV archive by clicking on the Student Life section of the school website in Engagement & Wellbeing. Alternatively, links will be included in each Update for easy access.
If you would like to know more about SchoolTV or would like to speak to someone from the Wellbeing team, you can contact Nina Tanner or Justin Mitchell via the SchoolTV page or by contacting Student Services.
Nina Tanner and Justin Mitchell
Student Engagement and Wellbeing Leaders
SchoolTV Featured Wellbeing Topics
Surviving the Final Year
For Year 12 students and families about to embark on the final year of schooling.
Surviving Final Year | Adelaide Botanic High School (schooltv.me)
Moving to a New School
For students and families who are navigating the difficult terrain of changing schools. Many students experience anxiety around these transitions which can be mentally and emotionally draining.
SPECIAL REPORT: Moving to a New School | Adelaide Botanic High School (schooltv.me)
School Transitions
For those new to the school or high school setting. These transitions can be a very stressful time for children and parents. Parents need to be aware of their child’s feelings during these times to minimise anxiety and support making connections in their new environment.
School Transitions | Adelaide Botanic High School (schooltv.me)
Managing Screen Time
As parents, you play an important role in modelling a positive approach to using screens, and assisting children to navigate the content they access.
Managing Screen Time | Adelaide Botanic High School (schooltv.me)
Farewell Bruno
The staff, students and community of ABHS would like to wish Youth Worker Bruno Rocca farewell and say a big “thank you” for the valued service he has provided and for his dedication to supporting students during his time at the school.
The team is sad to see him go but wishes him all the best in his future endeavours.

A chance to reconnect during Week 0
Staff enjoying a picnic lunch the week before students arrived back at school for 2023.
Cycling Championships
72 students, including seven from Adelaide Botanic High School, competed in the School Sport SA Cycling Championships at Victoria Park this week.
ABHS were the overall winners with 50 points on the day. What an outstanding result!
The overall winners with 50 points were:
- Maddie W – second in Div. A
- Kobi R – third in Div. C
- Toby E – third in Div. D
Thank you to the parent helpers who supported on the day and well done to all seven ABHS medalists and competitors.