Curriculum Guides | Year 10 Curriculum Guide
Year 10 Curriculum Guide
For Year 9 students entering Year 10
Table of contents
- Introduction to the Senior Years
- Process for Subject Selection
- Year 10 Curriculum
- English (Global Perspectives) Pathways
- HASS (Global Perspectives) Pathways
- Language (Global Perspectives) Pathways
- Lifestyle Choices Pathways
- The Arts Pathways
- Technologies (STEM) Pathways
- Maths (STEM) Pathways
- Science (STEM) Pathways
- Futures Ready
- Further Information
Introduction to the Senior Years
This guide describes the learning offered for Year 10 students at Adelaide Botanic High School in 2025 as they move from Middle Schooling to their Senior Years, where the foundation preparation for the SACE (South Australian Certificate of Education) begins. As students progress from Year 9 to 10 there is a greater range of learning choice available. Selection of courses at this level is an important step in shaping each young person’s future learning and pathways and requires careful consideration.
Exploring Identities and Futures (EIF), which is a compulsory 10-credit subject in SACE Stage 1, has replaced the Personal Learning Plan (PLP). This will be the first SACE subject that students undertake. They will become familiar with the range of SACE learning options, learn the terminology used to describe senior school curriculum and understand the requirements of the SACE and VET (Vocational Education Training).
We will be working with students and families throughout the year to develop an understanding of the SACE. The SACE Board website is a good starting point for information.
We expect students to explore learning choices that give them every opportunity to achieve success for their dreams and goals.
Alistair Brown

Process for Subject Selection
WEEK 5-6 | Studio One and Connect: Subject selection focus and preparing for Learning Pathway Conversations |
WEEK 6 | 2025 Curriculum Guide released online |
WEEK 6 | Wednesday, 28 August: Spotlight session: Year 9 transition into the Senior School |
WEEK 6 | Wednesday, 28 August: ABHS Subject and Pathways Expo |
WEEK 7 | Online subject selection opens in Web Preferences |
WEEK 8 | Thursday, 12 September: Learning Pathway Conferences - face to face during the day |
Introduction to the SACE
The SACE is a modern, internationally-recognised secondary school qualification designed to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and personal capabilities to successfully participate in our fast-paced global society.
Students will be awarded the SACE when they successfully complete requirements that include a range of skills and subjects they may study at school or may have acquired through other education, training or experience.
The SACE has been updated and strengthened to ensure it meets the needs of today’s young people. The SACE will help students develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed – whether they are headed for further education and training, university, an apprenticeship or straight into the workforce.
As part of the SACE students will be expected to gain and demonstrate essential skills and knowledge for their future, focusing on communication, citizenship, personal development, work and learning. These are called ‘capabilities’, and are a combination of the skills, knowledge, and attributes students will need to be responsible and active members of the community.
SACE Requirements
At ABHS, students start their SACE journey with Exploring Identities and Futures (EIF) in Year 10, their selection of Stage 1 subjects in Year 11 including the compulsory Maths and English choices, Activating Identities and Futures (AIF), and their selection of Stage 2 subjects in Year 12 (including recognised courses).
Modified SACE
Students with learning difficulties or disability, that result in significant impairment in intellectual functioning and/or adaptive behaviours, and who are unable to meet Stage 1 or 2 subject learning requirements in one or more mainstream SACE subjects, may negotiate to undertake Modified SACE subjects.
Students will select subjects from the subject offerings at Adelaide Botanic High School and negotiate individual learning goals aligned with their One Plan Goals, which accommodate their learning needs and interests, and which allow them to develop knowledge and skills connected to their aspirations and pathways beyond school.
Adelaide Botanic High School Inclusion and SACE Leaders will work with families considering a Modified SACE Pathway to ensure eligibility requirements are met.
Subjects undertaken as a Modified version as part of SACE completion precludes an ATAR being gained.
SACE Special Provisions
Special provisions are available if a student has a disability, illness, experiences misadventure, or an unforeseen circumstance which significantly impacts their ability to participate in an assessment.
If a student applies for special provisions they need to provide evidence of how this impacts their ability to access assessment conditions. After checking for special provisions eligibility, students can apply through ABHS. In consultation with the student and based on evidence provided, the school will determine what type of reasonable adjustments are appropriate. On approval, reasonable adjustments are made.
Further information is available at SACE special provisions.
Further information
Further information is available on the SACE website, which is designed to support students and families.
We encourage students to talk with their teachers and the Leadership team about their study options.
Year 10 Curriculum
Choice in the Senior Years is a significant feature of the curriculum at Adelaide Botanic High School, providing options that enable students to succeed.
Science, Mathematics, English, History, Health and PE are the required Australian Curriculum learning areas at Year 10 with other learning areas optional.
Students will access the required learning areas in the following way:
Global Perspectives
Through an interdisciplinary approach Global Perspectives enhances the study of English and History, underpinned by a strong focus on literacy.
In second semester Year 10 students will have the opportunity to choose from a range of subjects within the disciplines of English and History.
Students will develop an understanding of different identities and perspectives expressed in oral, written and multimedia texts. They will gain an awareness of self as a member of interconnected and overlapping communities and how this influences responses to global issues.
English (Global Perspectives) Pathways
View PathwaysEnglish (Global Perspectives) | Year 10
For Semester 2 English, students choose one term-long unit from Group A and one term-long unit from Group B.
Subject Details
Group A
Graphic Novels
Do you love comics, anime and manga?
In this unit you will discover the features and conventions of graphic texts and learn how authors develop complex characters and plots. You will have the opportunity to create your own graphic text using the knowledge you have gained from this unit.
This course is designed for students who wish to study SACE Stage 1 Essential English or English.
Can you imagine what it would be like to be stranded on a desert island or out at sea?
In this unit students examine a range of popular texts related to stories about people who were lost, forgotten or left behind. They will explore the way authors and filmmakers develop characters and setting before producing their own creative piece in a format of their choice.
This course is designed for students who wish to study SACE Stage 1 English Pre-Literary Studies or English.
Adaptations from Book to Film
How often have you read a book, then watched the film version and been disappointed?
In this unit students will analyse and compare the film and novel versions of some of the world’s best-known stories.
This course is recommended for students who wish to study SACE Stage 1 Essential English or English.
Future Worlds
How much power should governments wield over individuals?
Imagine a society under the grip of absolute control, where every action is monitored and freedoms are a mere memory. Such is the essence of a dystopian world—a stark reality that challenges our understanding of power and resistance. In this unit, you will study dystopian film and texts to explore the intricate dynamics between authority and the people. You will uncover the themes of surveillance, autonomy, and rebellion, sparking rich discussions and critical thought.
This course is tailored for students aiming to undertake SACE Stage 1 English and Pre-Literary Studies.
Group B
Hashtags and Headlines
What grabs your attention?
In this unit students examine a variety of media platforms including print media, social media and advertising in order to examine the way in which they connect to their audience. They will then choose a specific field of their choice and create a relevant media text.
This course is designed for students who wish to study SACE Stage 1 Essential English or English.
Poets and Playwrights
Do you enjoy poetry? Do you like to look deeper into a text analysing characters and themes?
Then discover the power of words in our poetry and playwright unit! Explore the artistry of verse and the depth of drama as you analyse themes and characters from a range of classic and contemporary works. Sharpen your critical reading and analytical skills in a journey through the captivating world of Shakespeare and literary expression.
This course is recommended for students who wish to study SACE Stage 1 English Pre-Literary Studies.
So You Want to be a Writer?
What makes a good writer?
In this unit you will examine a range of short texts and focus on the techniques used by authors to engage an audience. You will then create your own short story using the techniques and understandings you have gained.
This course is designed for students who wish to study SACE Stage 1 English.
The Power of Manipulation
How does advertising influence my decisions?
How do lobby groups gain supporters?
In this unit you will examine a range of advertisements focusing on the techniques used to influence an audience and explore some recent protest movements. You will then have the opportunity to create your own advertisement in the format of your choice and work collaboratively to plan a campaign on an issue you are passionate about.
This course is designed for students who wish to study SACE Stage 1 English.
Pilot Season – How do writer’s craft compelling Sitcoms?
Why do we fall in love with the casts of shows like Brooklyn 99? This unit looks at how the pilot episodes of television shows and breaks down how stories and characters can be introduced to an audience. This will require both analysis and creation.
Create and respond to a variety of text options.
Key Information
Subject Length
1 Semester (Semester 2)
Additional Information
English is a required course in Year 10. Optional activities throughout the semester may incur additional costs.