अगस्त 25, 2023  |  updates

Term 3: Update 1

अगस्त 25, 2023

Update from the Principal

From the very beginning, Adelaide Botanic High School has focused on preparing our young people for the world of tomorrow. We understand that this requires approaches that differ from those of the past. Today, generative artificial intelligence (AI) programs like ChatGPT are disrupting the future of work and education, challenging the way we teach and assess student learning.
We’ve enthusiastically embraced the opportunities presented by generative AI, whether in the form of text, images, audio, or other formats. We recognise that it represents the next wave of technological and digital evolution, much like personal devices have evolved over the past decades. As with any new technology, there are uncertainties and the potential for misuse. I still recall the introduction of calculators during my school days when a maths teacher refused to allow them, fearing they would destroy mathematics and promote cheating. He chose not to engage with the technology, and as a result, we missed out on many learning opportunities that other students had.
However, that will not be our students experience as we have now seized the opportunity to explore, learn about, and collaborate with this rapidly advancing technology. We are proud to be part of an innovative Department of Education EdChat trial involving a select number of schools.
The Education AI Chatbot, while having access to the same data as ChatGPT, does not send any user information back. All data entered and used by our students and teachers are secured by the Department of Education in Australia. Unlike ChatGPT, EdChat provides responses in an educational context. All student inputs pass through a content filter that blocks and reports inappropriate requests, adding an extra layer of safety.
In our 8-week trial, we have 15 teachers participating, representing all learning areas. A total of 166 students are involved, including 49 year 7s, 48 year 8s, and 69 year 11s. Year 7 and 8 students are predominantly using EdChat in Global Perspectives with their teachers, while year 11 students are incorporating it into subjects such as Media, Design, Research Project, and Biology. The enthusiasm from our Global team is particularly noteworthy, considering that this area has raised concerns about academic integrity in writing. This enthusiasm demonstrates our commitment to staying ahead of the discussion.
In addition to the EdChat trial, we’ve been proactive in educating our staff about AI. We’ve organised staff sessions, including a collaboration with Tom Barrett (Dialogic Learning) on a Staff Development Day (SFD) to examine visual literacy in a world of AI-generated deep fakes. During the recent SFD, we established an AI chatbot hub for trial participants and others interested in sharing their experiences, pushing the limits, and developing resources.
Young people, who are better equipped to understand the opportunities AI provides, will be the leaders in developing new, innovative ways to make use of its potential.

Alistair on behalf of our whole team

Upcoming Dates - Term 3 and Term 4

Thursday 7 September WEEK 7 (TERM 3)
Learning Pathways Conversations / AT HOME Learning Day
Mon 20 - Wed 22 November WEEK 6 (TERM 4)
Yr10C Outdoor Ed Camp
Friday 8 September WEEK 7 (TERM 3)
School Closure Day
Thursday 23 November WEEK 6 (TERM 4)
Yr7 Immunisations
Wed 13 – Fri 15 September WEEK 8 (TERM 3)
Yr11 Outdoor Ed Camp
Thursday 23 November WEEK 6 (TERM 4)
Senior Arts Showcase
Thursday 14 September WEEK 8 (TERM 3)
French Study Tour Parent information Evening 6:15pm
Wednesday 29 November WEEK 7 (TERM 4)
Last Day of Year 11
Wednesday 27 September WEEK 10 (TERM 3)
Yr10 Street Smart High
Wednesday 29 November WEEK 7 (TERM 4)
Yr12 Graduation Evening
Friday 29 September WEEK 10 (TERM 3)
Last Day of Term 3 (normal finish time)
Thursday 30 November WEEK 7 (TERM 4)
Yr8 Market Stall Evening
Monday 16 October WEEK 1 (TERM 4)
First day of Term 4
Friday 1 December WEEK 7 (TERM 4)
Student Free Day
Tues 17 - Wed 25 October WEEKS 1-2 (TERM 4)
Yr12 Trial Exams
Wednesday 6 December WEEK 8 (TERM 4)
Student Excellence Awards (morning)
Wednesday 1 November WEEK 3 (TERM 4)
Yr12 Good Luck Breakfast
Wednesday 6 December WEEK 8 (TERM 4)
Last Day of Year 10
Mon 6 - Fri 17 November WEEKS 4-5 (TERM 4)
Yr12 SACE Exam Period
Thurs 7 - Fri 8 December WEEK 8 (TERM 4)
Yr7 2024 Transition Days
Wed 15 - Fri 17 November WEEK 5 (TERM 4)
Yr10B Outdoor Ed Camp
Friday 15 December WEEK 9 (TERM 4)
Last day of Term 4 (Yr7-9)

SAETA Young Writers Award 2023


Author Sean Williams and Athene

I was invited to attend the SAETA Young Writer’s Award presentation night after receiving the news that I was one of those shortlisted. It was incredibly nerve wracking, especially considering that Sean Williams, internationally renowned New York Times bestselling author, would be presenting the prizes. Despite my nerves, I found myself thrilled as my name was called to collect my two certificates, declaring me as not only the winner for my year group, but also as the SAETA Young Writer of the Year 2023. I feel incredibly honoured to have been given such an opportunity, and am eternally grateful that my parents and teacher, Alison-Jane, were there to support me.

Year 12


Fundraiser for Backpacks 4 SA Kids

Approximately 44,000 other children become homeless every year, often leaving in a hurry with their mums’ due to family violence (Mission Australia, 2017). Backpacks 4 SA Kids provides resources that contribute to the safety, wellbeing and care of children and young people during periods of dislocation from home and routine care.

This term between 11-29 September, ABHS SYNERGY members are running a fundraiser to help support Backpacks 4 Kids. It would be greatly appreciated if families could donate items such as clothing, toys, toiletries or stationery to Reception or the ABHS Library. Please donate NEW items. (see list below for items that can be donated or click the image to visit their website)

Please note money cannot be donated

By supporting children within this program, we are ensuring that children have the basic necessary items to assist them when they are detached from their family, mostly in traumatic and distressing situations where they don’t have the opportunity to take with them any personal belongings.

For more information, please visit: http://backpacks4sakids.org/ 

Thank you so much for your contribution.

Year 9 SYNERGY Endeavour Members  

Year 10 Graphic Novels

Calling all caped crusaders and comic enthusiasts! We want to extend our gratitude to Jeeves (ABHS Youth Worker) for his electrifying visit to our Yr10 Graphic Novels session during Global Perspectives. Jeeves, you’re a true hero for guiding us through the intricate techniques that make graphic novels leap off the page. Your storytelling prowess and knack for sharing fascinating facts was great. With your guidance, we’re now ready to embark on our own graphic novel adventures, armed with fresh ideas and creative energy. Thanks to you, we’re all set to ‘ink’ our imaginations onto paper and create something truly remarkable. Cheers for the ‘marvel’ous experience.

Molly Hardman, Jennifer Hanks and Nicholas O’Connell
Global Perspectives Teachers


French Study Tour 2024


Congratulations to our latest School Based Apprentices and Trainees

These students started their Flexible Industry Pathways via VET training and have used this knowledge to be offered paid positions. Their School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships provide them the security of regular paid shifts while pursuing nationally accredited training all while completing their SACE.

Sam L – Plumber @ Elite Plumbing

Sam began working towards a Flexible Industry Pathways this year at the beginning of Year 12 through a VET in Schools program of a Certificate II in Plumbing (Pre Apprenticeship) with PEER. Once Sam gained his drivers license ABHS supported Sam to connect with the Master Plumbers Association of South Australia who have signed Sam up in it’s group training program where he is placed with Elite Plumbing. Sam now works 4 days per week with 1 day at school completing 2 Year 12 subjects to contribute to his SACE completion along with his Trade School.

Billy P– Plumber @ Stoll Plumbing

Billy loves the variety of work that he get’s to do with Stoll Plumbing as they work on both Residential First Fix and

Repairs as well as small commercial work. Billy began the VET in Schools program with PEER this year and also personally pursued a number of Work Experience Placements. This experience and personal action made Billy a very employable candidate and also helped him to understand when he had found the right place and type of work for him.

Aidan S – Plumber @ Plumbify

Aidan is another successful candidate taken on by the Master Plumbers Association of South Australia in their Group Training Program. Aidan began the Certificate II in Plumbing (Pre Apprenticeship at the beginning of Year 11 completing the program this year in the middle of Year 12. Aidan applied to the Master Plumbers Association and has found a fabulous placement at Plumbify.

Tobias Y – Chef @ Melon and Rye

Tobias is a graduate of the Certificate II in Cookery course delivered in partnership with the Adelaide Institute of Hospitality and hosted in the ABHS Hospitality Training Centre. Tobias is immensely passionate about the hospitality industry and clicked well with the head chef at Melon and Rye.

Maddie P – Early Childhood Education Worker @ Le Fevre Community Children’s Centre

Maddie started her Flexible Industry Pathway towards being an Early Childhood Worker with a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care through MADEC. This is an 18 month program Maddie attended one day per week. The ECEC qualification requires 160 hours of work placement across the 18 months, while undertaking one of her placements Maddie impressed the staff and the centre director who offered to take her on as a trainee. Maddie now works 2 shifts each week (which contribute to her placement hours) while completing her Certificate III training. The benefit of the traineeship is that Maddie is immersed in the industry both supporting her off the job training and overall confidence and career development.

Alex B – Plumber @ Nagle Plumbing and Mechanical

Mid way through Year 12 just prior to completing his Certificate II in Plumbing with PEER, Alex was picked up by Nagle Plumbing who are a leader in Industrial HVAC systems on large scale sites. Alex really enjoys the area of plumbing he is working which isn’t what most people think of. This is an important thing to consider. Alex is another Master Plumbers Association candidate with MPASA working diligently to ensure they match their people to the right employee to the right employer in the right specialisation for them.



Flexible Industry Pathways

ABHS has almost 60 students undertaking Flexible Industry Pathways (FIP) in 2023 across a broad range of industries. The benefit of these pathways are that they are flexible and students don’t need to feel pressured to start until they are ready. It is not uncommon for students to begin their FIP at either Year 11 or 12, whichever suits their decision making and career goals.

Students looking to enter a Flexible Industry Pathway have been requested to sign up for a meeting and inform the school of an industry area of interest. From this meeting options to undertake the program will be communicated and the VETRO Application process can be started. More information on Flexible Industry Pathways and VET in Schools can be found at https://abhs.sa.edu.au/learning-at-abhs/senior-years/flexible-industry-pathways/




Southern Zone Netball Competition 2023

The 2023 ABHS School Netball Studio started off well, with the students portraying their best skills during trials. From this, three teams were formed: 2x Yr7-8 teams, and 1x Yr9-10 team. These teams then played their best netball in an attempt to make finals. The games were spread across Term 2 to Term 3, the teams played many other schools in Adelaide. In an exciting last round of netball, the ABHS students had to play off for final positions on the ladder. The Division One Yr7-8 team played off for 5th place they had a triumph and won. The Division Five Yr7-8 team played off for 3rd place and won. The Yr9-10 team had an exciting final round playing for 1st position but unfortunately were runners up.

Evie F and Lyla J
Year 7/8



Year 11-12 Boys Knockout Netball

On 28 July, Blackwood High School hosted an exhilarating day of netball competition as part of the Yr11-12 Knockout Netball competition. The school’s talented team faced off against formidable opponents from Seaview High School and Blackwood High School, showcasing their skills and resilience on the court. In the first match of the day, ABHS secured a nail-biting victory against Seaview with a final score of 33-31. The close game saw both teams displaying exceptional teamwork and determination, but it was ABHS that ultimately emerged victorious. Despite their triumph in the first game, ABHS faced a challenging second match against Blackwood. The team fought valiantly, but ultimately succumbed to Blackwood’s prowess with a final score of 26-44. Nevertheless, ABHS demonstrated great resilience and sportsmanship throughout the game. ABHS’s performance in both matches was marked by impressive teamwork and the ability to play at a high level. The players’ determination and commitment to the sport were evident in their unwavering efforts on the court. It has been remarkable to witness the growth and development of the boys since their first Knockout game in Year 8. Their consistent improvement each year is a testament to their dedication and hard work.

Samuel Ball
Sports Manager/Lifestyle Choices Teacher


Year 9-10 Northern Zone Futsal Competition

On 15 August, the Yr9-10 Northern Zone Futsal Competition was hosted at St. Clair. Both teams competed at the highest level on the day, and were unfortunate to finish one place out of automatic qualification to the State Finals. All x16 students who attended are to be congratulated for their high level of effort, participation, and sportsmanship. We look forward to having these students represent ABHS to future KO Sport events.

Jack Ward and Peter Bouzalas
Lifestyle Choices Teachers


Open Knockout Girls and Boys Badminton

On 7 August, a group of Yr10-11 students competed in the Statewide Schools Competition for Badminton held at Glenunga International High School. At the carnival, students played against students from Glenunga International, Brighton High School and Adelaide High School who varied in experience levels from representing South Australia to playing Badminton for the first time outside of a PE lesson. The students displayed excellent effort and fair play, and even made new friends with opposition players! Unfortunately neither the boys or girls team were successful in winning a match against the other schools, however individual students did manage to win some of their ‘rubbers’ in both singles and doubles.

Callan Hammond
Lifestyle Choices Teacher


DNA Achievements beyond the school

This section celebrates our student achievements beyond the school. If you know of someone achieving beyond ABHS, please tell us about it! You can submit here. (This form will also be accessible on the Frog Parent and Student portals shortly)

Grace awarded a scholarship to attend the Oxford Creative Writing Course

From over 10,000 worldwide applications Grace D.W. was successful in being awarded one of the partial scholarships to attend the Immerse summer school’s Creative Writing program at Oxford University- a residential course on the campus of Oxford University for 13-15 year olds for two weeks in July 2024. https://www.immerse.education/creative-writing-summer-school/oxford/ages-13-15/

Isabelle represents South Australia at the UN Youth National Conference

SA delegates and facilitators at UN Youth NatCon 2023

Isabelle was selected to represent South Australia at the annual UN Youth National Conference in Perth from 6-12 July. Isabelle travelled with nine other SA school students and several youth leaders. Students from every state of Australia and the ACT also attended. During the conference, the students each represented a country, they conducted their own General Assembly where they debated resolutions and participated in multiple workshops. Isabelle represented Ecuador for the duration of the conference and had many highlights. She was particularly impressed that the delegates received a dedicated video message from Senator the Hon Penny Wong, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, and a visit from the Minister for Youth, Hon Dr Anne Aly.
UN Youth holds many events in South Australia including summits, an annual camp, and a range of competitions. You can find out more via most social media platforms.