Student Life

Adelaide Botanic High School is a coherent learning community that promotes student and staff wellbeing, safety and positive relationships so that everyone can reach their potential.

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Promoting student and staff wellbeing

At the heart of our community is a strong sense of belonging which allows us to come together with a true sense of care, optimism and pride, both in ourselves and our school.

We aspire to ensure everyone feels an integral part of our community which fosters a culture of learning, support and acceptance, where wellbeing permeates all teaching and learning experiences.

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School Day

Educational research and our student experience provide strong support for the approach taken with the structure of the school day and, in particular, the start time and finish time each day.

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Connect Groups

Connect Groups are an integral part of creating a feeling of community at Adelaide Botanic High School and supporting the development of the young people within each group.

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ABHS - ශිෂ්‍ය නායකත්වය - SYNERGY

Student Leadership

Adelaide Botanic High School’s dynamic student leadership program, SYNERGY, provides a vehicle to nurture the next visionaries, change makers, and revolutionaries.

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Engagement and Wellbeing

Adelaide Botanic High School is an aspirational learning community promoting student and staff wellbeing and building sustainable relationships, enabling everyone to reach their potential.

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1:1 Laptop Program

ABHS practices a 1:1 learning model which allows each student to use an internet-enabled, mobile computing device to access digital learning resources.

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ABHS නිල ඇඳුම - කුඩායි

School Uniform

The Adelaide Botanic High School uniform reflects the contemporary nature of the school. The uniform plays an important role in creating a sense of identity among students and the community whilst also supporting the safety and wellbeing of our students.

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Precinct Connection

From the heart of Adelaide’s cultural, education and business precinct, our students will learn as members of an inspiring community of creatives, entrepreneurs and visionary thinkers.

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Café B

Café B provides a wide range of food and drink options and is open during break times. The menu has different specials available daily and caters for a range of dietary requirements.